Lake Koocanusa debris management

June 30, 2018  

From BC Hydro regarding the debris management program:

· As we mentioned on June 20, we have scheduled internal resources to remove floating debris on the reservoir during the week of July 14-20.

· In addition, we have also been able to reassign BC Hydro resources from other reservoirs on a temporary basis. These crews are in the process of mobilizing now and expect to be collecting debris on Koocanusa Reservoir as soon as Friday, June 29. They will be actively working on the reservoir over the long weekend.

· While workers, equipment, tugs and stick booms carry out collection of floating debris over the long weekend, we ask that everyone keep safety top of mind and steer clear of the work sites and activities.

· We are in a transition year in the debris removal program on Koocanusa Reservoir. These two collection periods are utilizing temporary resources, as we continue to work on securing a contract to deliver a full debris management program on Koocanusa as soon as possible. We hope to have a contract secured by the end of July.

· BC Hydro is not the holder of the water license for Koocanusa. In 1983, the provincial government directed BC Hydro to conduct debris clean-up on the Canadian portion of the reservoir and we have an annual budget of $100K-$130K, depending on the amount of floating debris on the reservoir.

· Clean-up primarily addresses safety concerns in priority areas, including provincial parks, boat ramps, recreation and public use areas. The debris program is focused on the removal of large floating debris (logs and root wads) that create a safety issue for recreation on the reservoir. This reduces the volume of debris deposited on the shoreline when water levels recede. Small floating debris, shoreline and private property debris removal is not part of the floating debris program.

· Water levels on the reservoir are managed by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, who operate Libby Dam in Montana. More information on water levels can be found at The recorded information line for current Libby Dam/Koocanusa Reservoir levels and discharges is: 406-293-3421.

With the water level fluctuations experienced on any reservoir, debris can be deposited and then re-floated. Please take precautions and make safety a priority when using the reservoir.

For more information about the Koocanusa debris management program, please contact Eva Boehringer at 250-489-6877.

Diane Tammen | Community Relations Manager, East Kootenay

BC Hydro
629 Industrial Road #2
Cranbrook, BC V1C 4C9

P 250 489 6862
M 250 489 905

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